The artifact left behind when a nozzle stops printing filament for a level and moves to another level.
From the Bambu Lab Wiki.
Seam painting
This is a tool in Bambu Studio to control where does the seam run from top to bottom of the part.
By default, the software does a pretty good job at figuring out where to place the seams to be inconspicuous, usually at the edges of surfaces.
However, when there’s a smooth surface, the seam may become visible and you can customize this seam to be somewhere less viewed, like at the back of the model. I can also imagine the seams be used creatively as a style in itself.
This tool offers a circle “brush” to mark areas on the part where a seam is valid to be placed. The software then figures out where to place it.1
I like to think of this as guideline-driven development, where there’s still optimization done by the computer, but it guided by the user. ↩