How much is it?いくらしましたか?Asked in the past tense.するto be used for the cost of an item
It costs ~ (and that’s expensive)~もしました1万円もしましたTo be used with verbs only
It costs ~ (and that’s cheap)~しかしませんでした5万円しかしませんでしたTo be used with verbs, and it has to be in a negative form
How much it costs (to do something)?〜のに〜かかりました?パソコンを治るのにいくらかかりましたか?- Verb has to be in the dictionary form
-かかるis to be used for the cost of doing something, including other contexts (see )
To spend A on BAをBに使う200円をお菓子に使った
To pay A on BAをBに払う1万円払いました- If A is a number, you don’t have to add theをparticle
- 支払うis a fancier way to say pay, similar to “pay” vs “purchase”
To pay with ~〜で払うビールで払いました
Reasonable price妥当- Pronounced “datou”
- The termリーズナブルexists, but it means “cheap”
Affordable price手頃Something one/most people can buy without thinking
For the price, …値段の割に〜このお寿司、値段の割に美味しかった
A good dealお得お得ですよPronounced “otoku”. Used as an adjective.
To save money on something特(を)する10万円得した
To lose something (usually money)損する
Getting something that’s not yours, and you feign ignoranceねこばばする

Usage ofかかる

  • How much it costs to do something
  • For something that you pay regularly, like a subscription
  • How long it takes to do something