This is a tool to better understand how your product can help address customers’ needs.

This is created by the same authors as the Business Model Canvas. In particular, it’s a subset of that canvas, focusing on two aspects “Value Proposition” and “Customer Segments”.

In this canvas, those two sections are renamed as Value Map and Customer Profile.

Customer Profile

JobsDescribe what the customer needs to get done. Can be (1) Functional, (2) Social and/or (3) Emotional
PainsPain points and frustrations in getting a job done.
GainsHow customers measure the success of a job well done.

Value Map

Products and ServicesList of products and services that your value proposition builds on.
Pain RelieversHow does the products and services relieve or minimize customer pains, or eliminate them entirely?
Gain CreatorsHow does the products or services help the customers achieve gains that they expect, or would be surprised by?

Achieving product-market fit

Identify the features your offering can work towards improving Gains for customers and minimize their Pains.

Product-market fit is achieve when it’s clear how features of the offering map towards addressing customer pains and boosting customer gains.

Mapping can across sections as shown in the video here: