Related: The Documentation System

Documentation often suck, and not because people have bad intentions to do so or a dearth of effort.

The issue is that there’s actually four categories of software documentation, and as writers we often lump them all together in an amorphous blob of text.1

Four Categories of Documentation

Here’s how one can better think about these four parts (from the website):

oriented tomustits formanalogy
Tutorialslearningallow the newcomer to get starteda lessonteaching a small child how to cook
How-to Guidesa goalshow how to solve a specific problema series of stepsa recipe in a cookery book
Referenceinformationdescribe the machinerydry descriptiona reference encyclopedia article
Explanationunderstandingexplaindiscursive explanationan article on culinary social history

What matters in each category

  • learning by doing
  • getting started
  • inspiring confidence
  • repeatability
  • immediate sense of achievement
  • concreteness, not abstraction
  • minimum necessary explanation
  • no distractions
  • a series of steps
  • a focus on the goal
  • addressing a specific question
  • no unnecessary explanation
  • a little flexibility — for the reader to adapt to their specific problem
  • practical usability
  • good naming
  • structure
  • consistency
  • description
  • accuracy
  • giving context
  • explaining why
  • multiple examples, alternative approaches
  • making connections
  • no instruction or technical description


  1. In a sense, this document falls the explanation category, though it has hints of a how-to guide 🤔 ↩

  2. It helps to answer questions that a complete beginner to your software wouldn’t even have thought to ask ↩