• Pros

    • Interface to easily compose components
    • As one comment puts it, itā€™s a great way to let you realize what is possible with LLM workflows, before you build a more production grade one yourself
  • Cons

    • Class and method sprawl
      • seems like there are multiple ways to do the same thing
        • .invoke, .predict, .run
        • Tool vs @tool + llm.bind
    • Thereā€™s a lot of encapsulation, but not enough abstraction imo
    • limited documentation
    • Iā€™ve seen docs that talk about wrapping llm chains with other llm chains as backup
      • I think overall, I may not have the proper mental model yet
    • Online, people seem to be arguing about poor performance (ML- and engineering-wise)
    • Feels weird that some code is in langchain, others in langchain_core, and yet others have their own provider-specific package langchain_openai
  • Questions

    • How can I handle errors if my tool raises one?