From a Business Perspective

  • A business is a set of business processes
  • Business processes can be either
    • Operation — “Make it work”
    • Transactional — “What is going on?”

From a Technical Perspective

Kimball’s Definition

A copy of transaction data specifically structured for query and analysis

Inmon’s Definition

  • Subject-oriented — May need different DWH for different subjects
  • Integrated — Comes from potentially multiple data sources
  • Time-variant — The data changes with time

Rainardi’s Definition

  • Updated periodically in batches into a dimensional or normalized form

DWH Architectures

Kimball’s Bus Architecture

  • Broken down into the back room (kitchen) and front room (dining area)
  • Top down approach where back room decides what front room receives

Independent Data Marts

  • All departments operate independently
  • Inconsistent ETL may lead to inconsistent data conclusions
  • Generally discouraged

Inmon’s Corporate Information Factory (CIF)

  • A better kind of data mart where data marts can get whatever data they want, from a standard source of truth situated in the EDW
  • Uses 3NF for back room
  • Data marts can access the back room for other data fields if needed

Hybrid Bus & CIF

  • Still uses conformed dimensions, like the bus architecture
  • However, bus can access back end where the 3NF EDW sits