DevOps Research and Assessments (DORA) metrics are used to understand software engineering team productivity. It focuses on measuring metrics on the Outcome and Impact levels of the Productivity Framework.

This framework aims to measure and categorize team performance into four levels:

  1. Elite
  2. High
  3. Medium
  4. Low

There are four metrics in this framework that attempt to measure two core areas of DevOps:

SpeedDeployment frequency
Mean Lead Time for Changes
StabilityChange Failure Rate
Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR)

Deployment Frequency

Indicates how frequency can a team successfully deploy code to production or releases to end users.

This feels poorly defined. Is this a measure of throughput in the sense that if we have high throughput we have higher deployment frequency? Or purely about how fast can CI/CD deploy out changes — the faster it is, the more frequent the deployment.

EliteMultiple times a day
HighOne per week to one per month
MediumOne per month to one every six months
LowLess than one every six months

Mean Lead Time for Changes


How long does it take on average to complete a feature from start to finish? From customer feedback to deployment.

EliteWithin one hour
HighOne day to one week
MediumOne month to six months
LowMore than six months

Change Failure Rate


Percentage of deployments causing a failure in production that require an immediate fix.

Examples of such failures include service degradation or an outage.


Mean Time to Recover


Average time taken to recover from a customer-facing incident.

EliteWithin one hour
HighWithin one day
MediumOne day to one week
LowMore than six months