Veritasium published an interesting video touching on Knot Theory.

Turns out this theory is quite complicated.

Some learnings I got out of it include:

  • To study knots, they are made into closed loops so that they don’t untangle.

  • The only way to make one knot into another is to break the loop, make changes and rejoin it again.

  • There’s a periodic table for knots! In that table, only prime knots are listed. This is because you can take any two knots and join them together to form componud knots.

  • A knot can be simplified into its reduced form.

  • Two knots are the same if you can translate one to the other using only Reidemeister moves. There are three such moves:

    • twising
    • poking
    • sliding
  • Upper bounds of Reidemeister moves tell whether two knots can be translated into one another (assuming that they are equivalent)

  • It’s very hard to tell if two knots are the same.

  • Knots have invariances

    • Crossing number (of the reduced form) is one
    • There’s a whole set of knot polynomial algebra that can be used to categorize knots
      • A new polynomial that was discovered led to the author gaining a Fields medal
    • There’s also p-colourability to distinguish knots from each other


Knots are useful in many real-world applications from

  • tying shoes
  • analyzing knots
  • biochemistry (DNA strands)
  • chemistry
  • material science