Even if this question was already answered and accepted, I’d like to show an idea which is IMHO quite elegant. The solution proposed by t.dubrownik shows a pattern which is always the same: you need the three-layered wrapper regardless of what the decorator does.
So I thought this is a job for a meta-decorator, that is a decorator for decorators. As a decorator is a function, it actually works as a regular decorator with arguments:
def parametrized(dec):
def layer(*args, **kwargs):
def repl(f):
return dec(f, *args, **kwargs)
return repl
return layer
This can be applied to a regular decorator in order to add parameters. So for instance, say we have the decorator which doubles the result of a function:
def double(f):
def aux(*xs, **kws):
return 2 * f(*xs, **kws)
return aux
def function(a):
return 10 + a print function(3)
# Prints 26, namely 2 * (10 + 3)
With @parametrized
we can build a generic @multiply
decorator having a parameter
def multiply(f, n):
def aux(*xs, **kws):
return n * f(*xs, **kws)
return aux @multiply(2)
def function(a):
return 10 + a print function(3) # Prints 26
def function_again(a):
return 10 + a print function(3) # Keeps printing 26
print function_again(3) # Prints 39, namely 3 * (10 + 3)
Conventionally the first parameter of a parametrized decorator is the function, while the remaining arguments will correspond to the parameter of the parametrized decorator.
An interesting usage example could be a type-safe assertive decorator:
import itertools as it
def types(f, *types):
def rep(*args):
for a, t, n in zip(args, types, it.count()):
if type(a) is not t:
raise TypeError('Value %d has not type %s. %s instead' % (n, t, type(a)) )
return f(*args)
return rep @types(str, int) # arg1 is str, arg2 is int
def string_multiply(text, times):
return text * times print(string_multiply('hello', 3))
# prints hellohellohello
print(string_multiply(3, 3)) # Fails miserably with TypeError